1931 Census of England and Wales, General Report, Table 57 : " Occupations of Males in and about Coal and Shale Mines, England and Wales, 1921 and 1931".

  1921 1931 Increase or Decrease (-) % 1921-1931
Number Distribution per 1,000 Number Distribution per 1,000
TOTAL in coal and shale mines 988,580 1,000 891,853 1,000 - 9.8
040 Owners, agents, managers 6,221 6 3,951 4 -36.5
041 Subordinate superintending staff 40,955 41 35,425 40 -13.5
042 Hewers and getters 524,940 532 438,664 493 -16.4
043 Persons conveying material to the shaft 156,895 159 159,928 179 1.9
044 Persons making and repairing roads 57,582 58 66,155 74 14.9
047 Other workers below ground 91,779 93 86,046 96 - 6.2
049 Others workers above ground 110,208 111 101,684 114 - 7.7